Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bethel Park Anime #22--New Fullmetal Series

I would not have believed it if there hadn't be the alleged "leak" from Bones a few months ago. Wednesday, Anime News Network confirmed that there is going to be a second Fullmetal Alchemist series. I repeat, Fullmetal Alchemist 2!! According to the article, the series was announced on the just-released volume 20 of the FMA manga.

The most common rumor is that it will be something like Hellsing Ultimate. Hellsing had a short anime series, but the manga is still going. It was so popular that they made a second series, Hellsing Ultimate, which followed the manga very, very closely, and is still ongoing. They don't air it on TV, they just animate a block of it whenever they feel like it. Most Fullmetal fans are hoping the new series to pick up at about volume 7 of the manga and on, (about up to episode 26 or so, minus Wrath and Sloth, plus the stuff with Greed) where the anime got really different from the manga.

Volume 17 of the manga is set to be released in America in Ocotober.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bethel Park Anime #21--Anime News Network

Hello to all my devoted readers! ...or my occasional viewers. Either way, you're great for taking time to look here. Leave a comment if you're reading this!

Sorry it's been so long since the last update. I went to Australia and had my wisdom teeth out, among other things. Which is why I also want to apologize for the topic of this article. It's kind of a cop-out on my part, since I don't feel like researching American "anime" and/or ComicCon, the other two topics I was working on. Instead, you get info about a place to distract yourself with until I post again.

Anime News Network is basically THE place for anime news in the English speaking world. ANN has very frequent, regular updates, and is conveniently RSS feed-able. They have columns, reviews, editorials, con reports, and more. Here are some of the more popular columns.

Hey Answerman

by Zac Bertschy
You got questions? He's got answers!

Shelf Life

by Bamboo Dong
Shelf Life takes a look at each week's releases and sorts them into shelf worthy, rental worthy, and perishable.


by Carlo Santos
A look at recent and upcoming manga releases.

The Click

by Brian Hanson
Your weekly TV guide

Buried Treasure

by Justin Sevakis
Justin talks about old, rare anime.

The X Button

by Todd Ciolek
Todd looks at the world of Japanese and anime related video-games.

Spend a few days looking through ANN, and suddenly you'll find yourself a much more knowledgeable otaku.

That's all for now. More posts in the works, hopefully to be posted shortly. I recently had a very strong urge to finish all the AMVs I was working on, which resulted in two new videos, both of which can be found on the right-hand side of this webpage, under the heading "my videos".