Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bethel Park Anime #25--More Tekko 1/2!!

Tekko 1/2 now has a website!
On this beautiful page, you will discover that Tekko 1/2 also for the first time EVER has guests!! Carrie Savage, who is a great voice actor and a wonderful human being, is going to be attending! (Ms. Savage, I will never forget that you encouraged me in my career choice at autograph signings last Tekko. And I'm very sorry I wasn't able to purchase anything at auction. You were a wonderful auctioneer.) Her bio can be found on the aforementioned website.
Also, they've managed to score a cool-sounding stand-up comedian who specializes in geek stuff, and a CMU band. Of course, there will be a video game room, and a costume contest. As I said before, I'll be cosplaying Jounouchi (season 4, Doom, version) as always. Gotta get some use out of that silly foam duel disk I made, right?
A single panel room will be there, and the schedule is now up.

So, see you from 11:00AM-9:00PM on October 4th at the Best Western in Greentree! Detailed directions to the Western can be found on my previous entry about Tekko 1/2.

Don't forget to look for updates on the Tekkoshocon home page.

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