Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bethel Park Anime #18--Tekkoshocon 7

The date and place for Tekkoshocon 7 has been officially announced. Get ready, we're movin' on up! For the first time ever, Tekkoshocon will be held in the David L Lawrence Convention Center from April 3-5. (That's one week before Easter)
For any of you worried about walking around in Downtown Pittsburgh, it's really not that bad. The Convention Center is in the Cultual District, which is a very nice part of town. Pittsburgh in general is a pretty tame place, and though there are exceptions, I don't have any worries at all about the DLCC. And if you're wondering about walking around in cosplay, they welcome the animal people from AnthroCon, so I think we'll all fit in just fine.

The announcement can be read here. Check reguarly for more updates on registration, parking, etc. Hope to see you all there!

In other news, Bethel Park now has an anime club called OWA (Obsessed With Anime). They meet Sunday evenings at the library. This week they're watching Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Also, don't forget about BethelCon on July 20th!!

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