Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bethel Park Anime #15--Tekkoshocon VI

Hello, all! This past weekend, April 11-13 was Tekkoshocon VI! I attended all three days this year, and despite a smaller location and significantly less money, I had a fabuous time! Here is my extremely detailed Con Report for those who are interested.

I don't have my pictures uploaded yet, but here's a good one of me, two of my friends, and a random Otogi (Duke) and Bakura:

For those who either didn't go and want to find out what happened, or those who DID go and just didn't get enough, check out the Tekko forums and the Tekko VI Feedback forum. If you want to look me up on the forums, my name's ludus.

(also, here's a bit of positive feedback about one of my panels!)
More pics to come!

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