Two posts ago was my Sociology Project. Part of that project was to compare my chosen subculture to another subculture. One of the subcultures that the anime fandom is closely related to is the internet. We watch anime on the internet. We read manga on the internet. We get news, we talk with each other, we post fanart/fiction/videos on the internet. Since we spend so much time on the internet, parts of internet culture get integrated into our own. What parts of internet culture? I'm glad you asked...
Language! From FTW to ROFL and everything in-between, anime fans are well-versed in internet lingo.
Etiquette: No flaming. No double-posting. Preferably stay on-topic.
Memes: Rickroll, Caramelldansen, Loituma, Star Wars Kid, Angry German Kid, Numa Numa, and so many, many more.
That's basically all I have to say. It's a simple and obvious overlap of cultures, but one that you may not think about. As an anime fan, odds are, you are also part of a subculture of people who use the internet a lot. For more fun internet memes, browse wikipedia's list of internet phenomenon and their definition of an internet meme.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Reviews #10--The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is loosely based on a novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui. Instead of being a straight adaptation, it's more like a sequel. The author is very happy with the film version, so in that respect, it is a success. It didn't make a whole lot of money, but it wasn't released many places, either, and was overshadowed by more advertised films like Goro Miyazaki's (not to be confused with his father, Hayao) Tales from Earthsea film.
The titular girl, Makoto, discovers her power when she avoids a train accident. She can "leap" through time when she, literally, leaps and wants or needs to time-leap. She uses her powers at first for things like getting a good test grade and reliving karaoke. Her best friend, Chiaki, tries to confess his love, but she time-leaps to avoid it. Her other friend, Kosuke, has his own love troubles with another girl in the class, and Makoto tries to help them. Though all this, she seeks the advice of her aunt, implied to be the protagonist of the original novel.
It's got romance, comedy, high school, and some science-fiction. The animation is very good, and the dub voice acting isn't too bad. I didn't watch it subbed, sad to say, so I can't comment on the original actors. I spent the entire movie wondering where I knew Andrew Francis, who voices Chiaki. He does some other voice-acting work, including Megaman from the old series than ran on KidsWB way back when. Emily Hirst (Makoto) and Alex Zahara (Kosuke), I've never heard before, but all the actors were well-suited for their roles.
I don't usually watch anime movies that aren't based on a series or come out of Studio Ghibli. Watching this movie was a good way to break that habit, and I will probably watch more movies now because of it.
Reasons for: Nice animation, interesting story, cute romance, good direction.
Reasons against: Is slow at times, slightly confusing, romance may not be your thing.
Overall Rating: A
Anime #33--Tekko VII Con Report
Ah, Tekko VII. My fourth Tekko. It was a very nice year, with a wonderful new venue, lots of guests, and fun to be had all around. Just about everything this year was better than last year except for the walk from the hotel to the convention center, but that was so incredibly better than cramming the con into a hotel, that it's not worth complaining about. Here's a much briefer con report than the gigantic thing I put on my LJ.
Got to the convention center around 4:30, before any of my friends from school. I registered and hung out with my Tekko!friends I met two years ago. For the first time, I went to AMVs! After, I met up with my school!friends, who all went to put their stuff in the room. My stuff was in Tekko!friends room, so I stayed with them and we took fun group pictures. I hung out with them for most of the evening, just taking pictures and talking, as I preferred that to seeing Uncle Yo again. I took pictures of some great costumes, and had some great pictures taken of my and my friends. My favorite costume group on Friday was a WALL-E GROUP. A REALLY DETAILED WALL-E GROUP. :D MO had a mop, EVE had a gun, WALL-E had a cooler, AND they had almost all the props from the scene in the truck! Props!! Plus, I knew them from Tekko 1/2 two years ago when I went by myself and they hung out with me for a bit. Hence why I was so happy. Took lots and lots of pictures of them and fangirled about as much as one can fangirl about a silent robot romance.
The rest of the night was talking with friends and eating pizza. Boring stuff to you all reading this.
This was the day I debuted the ARMOR. Well. It was a mess. But if I had just painted it a little better, I think I would have been happy with it. I'll fix it up for a future con.
This was also the morning of my first panel. I had a little trouble setting up, and so did not have time to play all my AMVs like I had wanted. Also, my computer wouldn't recognize the projector as a second monitor for some reason, and I had to go without my notes! So I glossed over a lot of stuff because I didn't have the details in front of me. Which was good, since I finished in time. It went pretty well, and people answered most of the questions about the manga and anime. It was things like pairings and voice actors that stumped folks. (Marc Thompson was the other 4-person voice actor! Duke, Jean-Claude Magnum, Rafael, and Valon) Laj and Celinra helped out with that Yami Bakura/Zorc/Thief Bakura triangle that the guy from last year confused me on. Bakura is Thief reincarnated. Yami Bakura is Zorc. That's it. (right?) I had a bigger turnout than last year (bigger room, likely) and it seemed like everyone was entertained. ^^;; I want to keep doing Yuugiou themed panels now that it seems like I'm destined to be Jou every year, so I'm thinking a manga/anime comparison next year.
The panel ended after I briefly covered abridged quotes, which were all correctly identified. A couple of guys came up afterwards, and I spazzed when one introduced himself as Kroze. Kroze, the Yugioh Abridged site creator, at my panel! He told me to spread the news about his Abridged screening in the video room, and his dealers room booth. I, in turn, asked him about episode 38, and told him that I was "the fangirl that kept posting on LK's livejournal". To which he responded "oh, that was YOU!". ^__^;; So now I'm rather hoping he'll tell LK that I'm that particular fangirl, and then LK will know who I am! :D After that, I headed towards the hotel to meet up with Yugi and the rest of the Os.
I went back to my room to change, and my day as a member of the band began! I joined up with the band, now in J-Rock costume, and we got Deathcom pictures. They're amazing. Go check the site. We had to cut it short to go to Masquerade rehearsal, though. We signed up, got info, and set up in the hallway. We had decided beforehand we were going to "perform" a few songs in the afternoon while in costume. We drew quite a crowd, and it was a lot of fun. XD
I got lunch and had just enough time to stop in my hotel room (with school!friends) before having to go to the actual Masquerade. Our skit is up on youtube if interested.
After Maquerade, I finally made it to Artist's Alley, got myself some stuff. Stayed in J-Rock outfit and took some pictures with my aforementioned Tekko!friends. Changed back into my other costume, then took Deathcom pictures with them. Most of the con was changing and taking pictures. Sat in on the last 15 minutes of the industry panel with Greg Ayres, Stephanie Sheh, and others. Got Stephanie's autograph, but Greg had to leave because he's still not feeling well after his heart problems.
Got some dinner, went to the Yugioh Abridged panel. I wound up not going to the rave at all, just staying at Abridged because Kroze was giving out prizes, and I really wanted a t-shirt. It took me until the very last question to finally know an answer! But at last, X GON GIVE IT TO YOU, BY DMX! With that, I won myself a Catapult Turtle shirt! I had Kroze sign in the next day.
Donned the Armor once again to take Deathcom pictures. The wings were horrible. After, went to the scarce Dealer's Room, found nothing I wanted, and went to Artist's Alley. Then, it was time for my panel! It went well. I covered everything I wanted to, my friends liked it, Kroze came, and I even got some positive feedback on the Tekko forums:
Got to the convention center around 4:30, before any of my friends from school. I registered and hung out with my Tekko!friends I met two years ago. For the first time, I went to AMVs! After, I met up with my school!friends, who all went to put their stuff in the room. My stuff was in Tekko!friends room, so I stayed with them and we took fun group pictures. I hung out with them for most of the evening, just taking pictures and talking, as I preferred that to seeing Uncle Yo again. I took pictures of some great costumes, and had some great pictures taken of my and my friends. My favorite costume group on Friday was a WALL-E GROUP. A REALLY DETAILED WALL-E GROUP. :D MO had a mop, EVE had a gun, WALL-E had a cooler, AND they had almost all the props from the scene in the truck! Props!! Plus, I knew them from Tekko 1/2 two years ago when I went by myself and they hung out with me for a bit. Hence why I was so happy. Took lots and lots of pictures of them and fangirled about as much as one can fangirl about a silent robot romance.
The rest of the night was talking with friends and eating pizza. Boring stuff to you all reading this.
This was the day I debuted the ARMOR. Well. It was a mess. But if I had just painted it a little better, I think I would have been happy with it. I'll fix it up for a future con.
This was also the morning of my first panel. I had a little trouble setting up, and so did not have time to play all my AMVs like I had wanted. Also, my computer wouldn't recognize the projector as a second monitor for some reason, and I had to go without my notes! So I glossed over a lot of stuff because I didn't have the details in front of me. Which was good, since I finished in time. It went pretty well, and people answered most of the questions about the manga and anime. It was things like pairings and voice actors that stumped folks. (Marc Thompson was the other 4-person voice actor! Duke, Jean-Claude Magnum, Rafael, and Valon) Laj and Celinra helped out with that Yami Bakura/Zorc/Thief Bakura triangle that the guy from last year confused me on. Bakura is Thief reincarnated. Yami Bakura is Zorc. That's it. (right?) I had a bigger turnout than last year (bigger room, likely) and it seemed like everyone was entertained. ^^;; I want to keep doing Yuugiou themed panels now that it seems like I'm destined to be Jou every year, so I'm thinking a manga/anime comparison next year.
The panel ended after I briefly covered abridged quotes, which were all correctly identified. A couple of guys came up afterwards, and I spazzed when one introduced himself as Kroze. Kroze, the Yugioh Abridged site creator, at my panel! He told me to spread the news about his Abridged screening in the video room, and his dealers room booth. I, in turn, asked him about episode 38, and told him that I was "the fangirl that kept posting on LK's livejournal". To which he responded "oh, that was YOU!". ^__^;; So now I'm rather hoping he'll tell LK that I'm that particular fangirl, and then LK will know who I am! :D After that, I headed towards the hotel to meet up with Yugi and the rest of the Os.
I went back to my room to change, and my day as a member of the band began! I joined up with the band, now in J-Rock costume, and we got Deathcom pictures. They're amazing. Go check the site. We had to cut it short to go to Masquerade rehearsal, though. We signed up, got info, and set up in the hallway. We had decided beforehand we were going to "perform" a few songs in the afternoon while in costume. We drew quite a crowd, and it was a lot of fun. XD
I got lunch and had just enough time to stop in my hotel room (with school!friends) before having to go to the actual Masquerade. Our skit is up on youtube if interested.
After Maquerade, I finally made it to Artist's Alley, got myself some stuff. Stayed in J-Rock outfit and took some pictures with my aforementioned Tekko!friends. Changed back into my other costume, then took Deathcom pictures with them. Most of the con was changing and taking pictures. Sat in on the last 15 minutes of the industry panel with Greg Ayres, Stephanie Sheh, and others. Got Stephanie's autograph, but Greg had to leave because he's still not feeling well after his heart problems.
Got some dinner, went to the Yugioh Abridged panel. I wound up not going to the rave at all, just staying at Abridged because Kroze was giving out prizes, and I really wanted a t-shirt. It took me until the very last question to finally know an answer! But at last, X GON GIVE IT TO YOU, BY DMX! With that, I won myself a Catapult Turtle shirt! I had Kroze sign in the next day.
Donned the Armor once again to take Deathcom pictures. The wings were horrible. After, went to the scarce Dealer's Room, found nothing I wanted, and went to Artist's Alley. Then, it was time for my panel! It went well. I covered everything I wanted to, my friends liked it, Kroze came, and I even got some positive feedback on the Tekko forums:
"4Kids Sub vs. Dub panel was pretty well researched. I found out some edits to One Piece and Yu-Gi-Oh that I didn't even know happened. Those sneaky 4Kids people. I hope the woman who did this panel does it again next year."
Thanks! I will! (and she knew I was a WOMAN. Even with my raspy I-just-got-over-a-sore-throat voice and Jou costume! XD There was a lot of confusion over that last year.)
Went back to Artists Alley with ALL my friends and Kroze. I think there were 12 of us. XD;; Pikced up the art I had commisioned Saturday night. It's SO CUTE. 8D After, all my school friends left, leaving me, Tekko!friends, and Kroze. We talked, and eventually all left. On my way out, I walked past none other than GREG AYRES. I met Mr. Ayres last year and three years ago at Tekkoshocon, but last year when I took a picture with him, it didn't develop. I deliberated and finally asked him a picture, which he gladly agreed to take. So now I have a picture with Greg Ayres! That officially ended the con for me. So long, Tekko VII. Can't wait for next year.
Went back to Artists Alley with ALL my friends and Kroze. I think there were 12 of us. XD;; Pikced up the art I had commisioned Saturday night. It's SO CUTE. 8D After, all my school friends left, leaving me, Tekko!friends, and Kroze. We talked, and eventually all left. On my way out, I walked past none other than GREG AYRES. I met Mr. Ayres last year and three years ago at Tekkoshocon, but last year when I took a picture with him, it didn't develop. I deliberated and finally asked him a picture, which he gladly agreed to take. So now I have a picture with Greg Ayres! That officially ended the con for me. So long, Tekko VII. Can't wait for next year.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Anime #32--Sociology Project
I'm doing a report on the anime fan subculture for sociology class, and needed a website with a number of specific hyperlinks. Rather than try to find a website that magically had everything we needed, my partner and I decided to just use my blogger and make a blog entry. I get to use this as an excuse for an update, and you get some anime-related websites.
Anime News Network

Anime forums

Fan Works

Anime Music Videos


Now, onto the next part of the presentation, CLUBS!
Anime News Network
Anime forums
Fan Works
Anime Music Videos
Now, onto the next part of the presentation, CLUBS!
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