When Uncle Yo declared his campaign for Kira/Zero '08, I didn't know who Zero was, but how much worse can you get than Kira? Guy with a magic killing notebook who wants to kill all the "bad" people in the world? How about guy who can force anyone to obey him when he makes eye contact? They're both brilliant, but clinically insane. And, so, simply because they are the most absurd, and yet still remarkably qualified presidential candidates... KIRA/ZERO '08!
On to the review. Code Geass is one of those new ones that I'd heard of but hadn't had the chance to watch. To be honest, all I've read/watched for about 3 months now is Shonen Jump, and various things by CLAMP and Yu Watase. What made me decide to finally watch it was a combination of: a) I did not have school yesterday, b) the "Adult Swim moved it to the death block?!" controversy, and c) Megan Hollingshead has a recurring role. So I get on wikipedia and search for her character. I spent most of yesterday afternoon between List of Code Geass Episodes, List of Code Geass Characters, and Youtube. The episodes told me that Megan's character, Villetta Nu, was in episode 14. So I went to episode 14. In the last about 5 minutes of the episode, she says all of ONE WORD. Feeling cheated, I go on to 15, which she's also in. Well, I get a whole awkward minute this time. I've said it before, and I'll say it again--as a female viewer, I do NOT appreciate fanservice! But compared to how she is in the beginning of the series, and let's face it, just about everyone she's ever voiced outside of Nurse Joy, she was cuuuuute. I kept watching. By midnight last night, I had watched episodes 1, 2, 14-19, and 21-25. 21 had the most of her, and the most of me going... "WTF, a nice character?!" Seriously, she is a really sweet character when she doesn't know who she is. That must make episode 25 especially painful for Ohgi...
Code Geass takes place in post-conquered-by-England Japan, instead of just plain old post-apocalyptic Japan. The Holy Empire of Britannia rules half of Europe, (though not Britain itself??) Russia, half of Africa, both of the Americas, Iceland, Greenland, New Zealand, and Japan. The Chinese Federation and the European Union are the other two superpowers, but a few nations, like Australia, Germany, and Britain, are neutral. I don't know what China holds and what Europe holds, and I don't really care. Here's a map from season 2 when they create the UFN, and it's just Britannia versus everyone else.
For seven years, Britannia has been oppressing Japan, renaming it "Area 11", and dubbing its citizens "elevens" rather than Japanese. Needless to say, the Japanese are not happy with this.
On to the actual main characters. Lelouch is basically Light Yagami, but a slightly better chance of being straight. Despite being the leader of the most successful Japanese rebel group, he is, in fact, a Britannian Prince: Lelouch Vi Britannia. He gives up that name for Lelouch Lamperouge. You really have to love Japanese people trying to make up English names. Especially when they managed to get REAL English names, and the dubbers use the literal Japanese pronunciation. (Karen! Karen! Not "Kallen!")
One day, he gets mixed up with some eleven terrorists, and winds up meeting a mysterious girl named C.C. (pronounced "C2") who wound up being the terrorists' cargo, instead of the expected poison gas. The Britannia army shows up and tries to kill Lelouch, but the girl takes the bullet, saying "he must not die!". Despite taking the bullet between the eyes, she does not yet die, and makes a contact with Lelouch. In exchange for some great mysterious power that not only can save him from the dozen soldiers, but let him change the world, he must fulfill her greatest wish. Power corrupts, you will be isolated because of your power, blah blah, Lelouch accepts, and orders the men to die. Which they do, in splendid fashion, each pulling out their gun, and happily shouting "with pleasure, sir!" Anyone see The Happening? Yeah.
It progresses from there, with Lelouch comandeering Villetta Nu's Knightmare Frame (the mechas) though his new power. (while I think about how much work would it take to get audio from Code Geass and sync it to season 4, or at least episode 173?) He creates an alternate identity, "Zero", leader of the Black Knights, which is formed from the old terrorist group that this whole mess started with. Their current leader, Ohgi, becomes the other half of what is well on its way to becoming my second-favorite pairing. I'll hide the next part in case anyone cares about spoilers.
Reasons I'm now in love with Ohgi/Villetta: (highlight to see) First off, my favorite paring is Jounouchi/Mai. That's pretty much set in stone. What happens between Jou and Mai? They don't get along at first, then they're good friends, she duels a crazy guy and forgets who he is, remembers him, gets penalty game'd, he tries to save her, she is saved but not by him, then she comes back next season and tries to kill him because she's emo over the penalty game. What happens between Viletta and Ohgi? They're on opposite sides. He finds her left for dead, takes her back to his apartment, where she can't remember anything. They get along really well, then she remembers who she is, and shoots him in the stomach. I haven't seen the rest of it yet, I'm quoting from wikipedia now. Later on, he stops someone from shooting her, Then there's something where he's going to be executed but he isn't and she's happy. then she's just going to kill him, he confesses his love for her, they get ambushed, Sayoko tries to kill her, Ohgi jumps in the way, takes two knives in the chest, falls off a cliff, and even though she was about to kill him, Villetta jumps off the cliff after him. I bold because that was just about EXACTLY what happened in Doom. Then they take her hostage to ensure Ohgi's cooperation, but she gets out, and eventually she winds up pregnant with his child and they get married. (I said spoilers, didn't I?) So I like the pairing. Also, she's fanservice-y, (not that I like that, just that it's in common with Mai) she's a good fighter, she's voiced by Megan Hollingshead. He's a good guy, kind of the second-in-command, nice, also a good fighter, reaaally cute and shy with her, and... well, looks and sounds nothing like Jou, but the rest is close enough. I love the pairing. Really. How they meet is the most common polarshipping fanfic plot.
I haven't seen enough to pass total series judgment, but for episode 1, I'm going to give it around a B+. It just feels too much like Death Note, and I do not like Lelouch. At all. I can't even believe that his name is Lelouch. I haven't seen a name that ridiculous since Breaking Dawn.
The artwork is fantastic (they must really have a nice budget for this show, because I was regularly pointing and going "hey, that was really well done!"!) the plot is... interesting, if not entirely original. I think it's funny, actually; Gurren Lagann is... well, not a TYPICAL mecha anime, but more typical than CG, and Geass is the embodiment of nearly every well-known anime type there is. High school, Mecha, post-apocalyptic Japan, AND Death Note. (and FMA brother speeches in the second season) There's even some swordfighting/samurai stuff with Suzaku and Todoh, and the Kyoto families, and some references to Western religion when Zero calls himself a "Messiah" and says another character will be his "Pilate". About all we're missing is a sports team and some ninjas. EDIT: (anime fall) It's got a ninja. -_-;;
I'm going to recommend it, even though I still consider it a pale imitation of Death Note. While Death Note is the best in its genre, BECAUSE Code Geass combines so many different elements, it's really interesting. It can get confusing keeping track of the characters, something that Death Note didn't usually have to worry about, but I personally like shows with large casts and multiple plotlines, because it keeps things moving. It depends though on HOW those plotlines are executed. I think Geass on the whole does a pretty good job, giving enough time to characters that aren't Lelouch to clearly explain what's going on, and keeping interest. They cut out all the unnecessary stuff and just give you what you need to know. Even, say, when Cornelia and Euphemia were hanging out together, and they were just lying on the grass, it wasn't boring (well, nothing's boring when you start at episode 14) and it served to characterize both Euphie and Cornelia, but it wasn't a whole episode. Fullmetal Alchemist, I love you to death, but... episode 16? How many ways do we REALLY need to define that they boys want to get their limbs back?
So Geass keeps things moving, has very nice artwork, and has a little something for everyone. Mechas, bishonens, two boys you could pair if you were so inclined, romance, crazy guy with a chainsaw, post-destruction Toyko, high school uniforms, a little crippled girl, a cat, and a mysterious magic girl who can't die. WARNING! Fanservice! There were two episodes that I thankfully was watching dubbed that had things actually blurred. 16/17+, for violence, fanservice, language, and crazy take-over-the-world plots. I'm also recommending it just because it's so popular, and you might feel out of the loop if you don't have at least basic knowledge.
EDIT: Now after having seen the whole first season, I'm going to change my grade to an A-. It manages to combine all those different plotlines fairly well, and the artwork is amazing. Some of the characters really pulled me in, too. Lelouch, Suzaku, and the whole high school cast can go die in a hole for all I care, but I actually really like most of the Britannia cast. Euphie, Cornelia, Guilford, Villetta, Dalton, Lloyd, and whatsherface that works with Lloyd. Todou's pretty cool, and Ougi I like by default since he's with Villetta, and C2. Everyone else either bores me or has a past full of angst posing as character development. I don't like Lelouch because all he is is one big ball of ANGST. Blind crippled sister, dead mother, fighting against best friend (that he never smiles or jokes with or ANYTHING), whole "the world is rotten and I want to change it" Light Yagami complex, Shirley, Mao, Euphie, and evil father. Light, at least, didn't have any angst. ANY. He was a genius with a nice, well-off family that hated the world.
Good artwork, great plot, but lacking a bit with character development. Before you watch it, remember, Adult Swim rates it 17+!